Active Leeds has launched a corporate wellbeing service in order to support businesses across Leeds to create healthier, happier and more resilient workforces.
The new corporate wellbeing offer is based on a partnership approach, with Active Leeds utilising its unique position to support businesses to develop strategies, design interventions and deliver projects that can support better workplace health and wellbeing.
Having worked with leading organisations across the city including John Lewis, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, N-Power and Network rail through a range of pilots, the service is now ready to be rolled out to firms across the city.
Servicing a significant growth within organisations wanting to improve employee health and wellbeing, Active Leeds is in a unique position to join up employees with the extensive range of health and wellbeing services the council, public and voluntary community sector partners provide.
Tom Riordan, chief executive of Leeds City Council, said: “Active Leeds new corporate wellbeing service is a further vehicle for the council to support firms and residents across the city. Developing a happy and healthy workforce is crucial to ensuring we have resilient firms across Leeds and supporting our commitments to inclusive growth.”