Annual Active Leeds Membership – A year's Active Leeds Membership for which the Active Leeds Member has paid in full.
Appointment – Gym Appointments will provide you with a 60-minute window to meet with a dedicated instructor. Whether you’re new to the gym floor or an avid gym goer, our qualified instructors will provide the best possible experience for you to achieve your health and fitness goals. During your appointment you can expect:
- A consultation around your current lifestyles and your health and fitness goals.
- An optional health check using Tanita Body Composition Scales to identify your current physical wellbeing.
- A personalised fitness plan via Technogym based on your goals.
Cooling Off Period – A 14-day period for customers who take out their membership online to have the option to cancel their membership.
Contracted Active Leeds Membership – A membership in which the Member is contracted for a minimum of 12 months. Payments are by monthly direct debit.
Corporate Membership – Memberships available to customers working for companies on the Corporate List.
Corporate List – The list of companies, determined from time to time by Leeds City Council, whose employees are entitled to a Corporate Membership. A copy of the list is available at active.leeds/ or from the Customer Service Centre (CSC) Team.
Corporate Wellness Membership - Those organisations working with Active Leeds on employee health and wellbeing projects and interventions - these organisations are in an annual contract with Active Leeds to procure our professional services to impact upon staff health and wellbeing. All standard Active Leeds Terms and Conditions apply.
Customer Service Centre (CSC) – Active Leeds customer services centre
Health Commitment Statement (HCS) – A document signed by the Member which confirms that a Member’s Health status is the responsibility of the Member whilst using the facilities. The statement details the Member’s commitment to Leeds City Council and Leeds City Council’s commitment to the Member. This must be read and signed before the Member is permitted access.
Joining Fee- All direct debit memberships are subject to a £15 joining fee per individual product.
LeedsCard Extra (and LeedsCard 60 Extra) – The membership scheme operated by Leeds City Council for Members who meet specific criteria. Proof of entitlement is required.
Leisure Centre – Leeds City Council site for Active Leeds. For a full list of the centres, their addresses and telephone numbers please refer to the website at
Member - The term 'member(s)' refers to someone who has a current membership or has signed up to an online booking account.
Primary Member – Someone who is responsible for the payment of their own membership and for the membership of any Linked Members
Membership Card – A card that allows a member to use any of the facilities for which they have a live membership.
Pay-As-You-Go – The use of Active Leeds facilities by customers who are not Active Leeds Members and pay separately for each activity undertaken.
Active Leeds Health & Fitness Memberships
Adult – Includes the use of Active Leeds Gyms, Active Leeds Fitness Classes, Swimming, and Squash. This can be purchased as a 12-month contract on direct debit, non – contract (30 days’ notice from next direct debit collection date) on direct debit, an annual single payment or promotional membership
Junior – For Active Leeds Members from 8 years of age up to their 16th birthday (proof of age will be required when applying). This can be purchased by direct debit as a non-contract (30 days’ notice from next direct debit collection date) or an annual single payment.
- Active Leeds Juniors aged 12 to 15 years can use the gym unaccompanied during specific junior session times only. Outside of these hours junior members must be accompanied by a responsible participating adult (parent/guardian 18+).
- Active Leeds Juniors aged 14 to 15 can attend any fitness class.
- Active Leeds Juniors aged 8 to 13 can use Junior Fitness Classes, Swimming and Squash.
Swimming lessons, gymnastics lessons, tennis lessons, privately run fitness sessions or any block-booking activity are NOT included in any Active Leeds Health & Fitness Membership.
Student – Available for any student who has a valid Student card or is in further education. This membership has the same activities included as an Adult Membership. Membership cannot be used in conjunction with any promotional offer. This can be purchased by direct debit as a non-contract (30 days’ notice from next direct debit collection date) or an annual single payment.
Active Leeds Membership Terms & Conditions
General (Applies to All Membership Types)
- Active Leeds memberships are purchased for all Active Leeds Leisure Centres unless specified on the membership type.
- No refunds will be given for activities unavailable within our memberships.
- Member’s usage is the responsibility of the member. Non-usage will not warrant a refund under any circumstances.
- Members are responsible for managing their own direct debit.
- Gym Appointments – All Members must read and sign a Health Commitment Statement (HCS) form either digitally or at site prior to entering the gym for the first time.
- Appointments are included free of charge at the time of application for an Active Leeds Membership.
- Refund of Appointment Fees will NOT be given for appointments undertaken prior to applying for Active Leeds Membership.
- Active Leeds Members who wish to have LeedsCard Extra privilege applied to their membership must have a valid LeedsCard Extra membership, LeedsCard 60 Extra membership or be in the process of applying for one at the time of Active Leeds application. Members receiving this privilege will not be held to the full term of their contract period and may cancel at any time following the 30-day cancellation period from the next available collection date. Proof of entitlement is required.
- Students who wish to purchase a student membership must show a valid student ID at the time of application. Students will be required to provide entitlement every 12 months.
- As an Active Leeds member, you agree to provide a photograph for the purposes of your membership. This is to stop fraudulent use of your membership.
- Corporate Members have the same Terms & Conditions as our Standard Active Leeds Memberships by Direct Debit.
- Active Leeds Membership allows members to use ALL Leisure Centres. Memberships are not sold for a specific Leisure Centre. Refund of Active Leeds Membership fees will NOT be given for temporary non-use of facilities.
- Failure to present a Membership Card may lead to refusal of entry or the normal charge being levied.
- As an approved training centre, activities may be delivered by a trainee under the supervision of qualified staff and a tutor.
- All correspondence must be sent to Customer Service Centre, John Charles Centre for Sport, Middleton Grove, LEEDS LS11 5DJ or by email to Telephone: 0113 376 0398
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to amend the Corporate Discount List at any time and proof of entitlement.
- For squash and tennis bookings, non-Active Leeds members playing with Active Leeds Members must pay half the standard court fee.
- Active Leeds membership fees may be increased at the discretion of Leeds City Council. Not less than 10 working days written notice of any increase will be sent to the member.
- Leeds City Council will endeavour to give prior notice of any alteration to or cancellation of activities or centre programmes but reserve the right to do so without prior notice. Leeds City Council cannot be held responsible for any services or equipment not being available, for whatever reason.
- Active Leeds Members and other Members participate in any exercise at their own risk.
- Should a Membership Card be lost, damaged or misplaced, there will be an administration charge of £2 to issue a replacement.
- Where a maximum number applies, admittance to activities will be strictly on first-come first-served basis.
- Leeds City Council accept no responsibility for loss or damage to a member’s personal effects, or personal injury to the member whilst on Leeds City Council property, except in so far as such loss, damage or injury is, by law, incapable of exclusion.
- Leeds City Council respects the rights of their customers and staff and will not tolerate violent, abusive or intimidating behaviour within their leisure centres or over the phone. Persons exhibiting unacceptable behaviour will be asked to leave the premises and may be prosecuted. CCTV cameras are in operation at leisure centres. Nor will Leeds City Council tolerate any abuse by telephone or in writing to any of their staff.
- Appropriate attire for the activity should be worn within the facilities.
- Active Leeds membership entitles Members to all the benefits and discounts of the LeedsCard scheme. Terms and conditions of the LeedsCard scheme are available at
- Leeds City Council reserve the right to refuse admission to products and services provided.
- An Active Leeds Membership signed up online has a 14 day Cooling Off Period in which the member can cancel their membership in accordance with the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. The 14 day Cooling Off Period commences from the date of the purchase online of a new membership and from the date of commencement of renewal for a renewed membership. To cancel a membership purchased online within the 14-day cooling off period you must email Customer Services at to confirm you wish to cancel. Any usage during this period will be calculated at the standard rate for that activity and charged back to the member unless a Direct Debit payment has been processed whereby the calculated usage will be deducted from any refund owed.
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to review and/or alter these Terms and Conditions at any time. Notices will be displayed in the Leeds City Council Active Leeds facilities and, where an email address has been provided the reviewed and/or altered Terms and Conditions will be served on members by email, otherwise they will be served on the member by 2nd Class post as well as being displayed on the Active Leeds website, Active Leeds app and within Active Leeds leisure centres
- These Terms and Conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of England and Wales.
- No failure by Leeds City Council to enforce any provision in these Terms and Conditions shall constitute a waiver of the right to subsequently enforce that provision or any other provision of these Terms and Conditions. Such failure shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach and shall not constitute a continuing waiver.
- A person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions shall not have any rights under or in connection with them.
- Written notices that are required to be given under these Terms and Conditions by Leeds City Council will be sent by email to the member where an email address has been provided on the Active Leeds Application Form (or such other email address which the member has notified to Leeds City Council during the course of the contract). All notices sent by email will be deemed to have been received by the member 24 hours after sending providing no non-delivery notice is received by the Council. Where an email address is not provided, or the sending by email fails, 2nd Class Post will be used to the address stated on the Active Leeds Application Form (or such other address which the member has notified to Leeds City Council during the course of the contract). All notices sent by 2nd Class Post will be deemed to have been received by the Member three days after posting. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that Leeds City Council is informed of any change of email address or postal address. All other notices required to be given by Leeds City Council will be placed in a prominent position within the Leeds City Council Active Leeds facilities.
- Any Active Leeds Member who wishes to have their Health & Fitness membership suspended must contact Active Leeds directly providing 10 days’ notice. This can be done by contacting the CSC by email to
- Any such suspension must be for a minimum period of two calendar months and shall take effect as from the date they have contacted Active Leeds.
- The maximum period of suspension is 6 months.
- The suspension period will be supplied by you the member.
- For members who pay via Direct Debit notification of suspension will be required 10 working days before their next collection. Should the notification be beyond the cut-off date then the suspension will be applied at the next collection date.
- Direct Debit paying members payments will restart automatically for your membership at the end of the suspension period.
- Annual members who suspend will have their membership extended by the period they have requested.
- Suspensions must always cover full calendar month periods with the contract expiry date suitably extended.
- If you wish to use the leisure facilities during this period, you will be charged the appropriate Pay-As-You-Go rate.
Annual memberships
- Under no circumstance will a refund be given to members who have purchased an Annual upfront payment membership who attempt to cancel their membership prior to its expiry date after the 14-day cooling off period.
- All General Terms & Conditions apply.
Direct Debit memberships
- Direct Debit fees will be collected on the 1st of each month or the first available date after, should the 1st fall on a weekend or a public holiday.
- All Direct Debit memberships are subject to a pro-rata payment at the point of sign-up. This payment will vary due to the number of days until the next available Direct debit collection date.
- Members who have payment arrears on a previous Active Leeds Membership cannot take out a new membership or access the services of any Active Leeds facility until the arrears have been paid.
- Active Leeds Applicants who wish to take out a Corporate Membership must provide evidence of employment by a company included in the Corporate List at the time of application. This can be a recent payslip, a valid ID card or a letter from your employer.
- Corporate Members will pay the same monthly amount as 12-month contract members but will enter into a month to month contract.
- Members who take out a 12-month contract will be held to the contract period unless they meet one of the following criteria to cancel: a) Redundancy – evidence will be required. b) medical issue whereby a medical practitioner has stated you cannot participate in all activities included in your membership. c) If you move away from the area by a distance which we consider, at our sole discretion, to be too far to travel to the services for regular use. We shall require evidence that such a move has taken place. d) If we alter the operating hours of the services unreasonably resulting in you being subsequently being unable to access the services.
- 12-month contract memberships are for a minimum period of 12 months after which time will automatically continue as a rolling contract at the contract price until such time that Active Leeds are informed in writing of a cancellation request.
- All Direct Debit memberships require 30 days’ notice to cancel from the next Direct Debit collection date.
- Cancellation requests must be processed via the dedicated cancellation platform by visiting
- During the cancellation period members will have full use of their membership.
- Members who cancel their Direct Debit with their bank without informing Active Leeds will enact our recovery process for all outstanding fees. This may result in court proceedings which could affect your credit rating.
- Members whose Direct Debits are returned unpaid will enact our recovery process for all outstanding fees. This may result in court proceedings which could affect your credit rating.
- Unpaid Direct Debits will be subject to a late payment fee of £5.
- All our Direct Debit memberships are covered under the banks Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme.
- Members who are the primary payer for other direct debit memberships are responsible for the payment of these memberships. Should a Direct Debit be returned unpaid then all associated memberships will be suspended until the arrears are paid in full. Members will not be able to access the services of any Active Leeds facility until arrears are cleared.
Swimming Lesson Terms & Conditions
- Swimming Lessons will run 50 weeks of the year with a 2 week break over the Christmas period, exact dates will be available on the Active Leeds website.
- Lessons do not occur on Bank Holidays, those who are due to attend a lesson on a Bank Holiday will be offered an alternative or may request a refund in the form of a credit issued to a future direct debit.
- Payment for Swimming Lessons will be by monthly direct debit, a month in advance, which will be drawn on the first day of each calendar month (or the next working day should the 1st fall on a weekend or public holiday). It is the responsibility of the Primary Member to ensure that funds are available for the bank transactions to take place on the due date.
- Unpaid Direct Debits will be subject to a late payment fee of £5.00.
- All our Direct Debit memberships are covered under the banks Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme.
- Should a Direct Debit be returned unpaid then all associated memberships will be suspended until the arrears are paid in full.
- If arrears are not paid off within 10 days, then the member will be removed from lessons. Any future requests for memberships or access to the facility will not be permitted until the arrears are cleared.
- All Direct Debit memberships require 30 days’ notice to cancel from the next Direct Debit collection date. Swimming lessons do not automatically cancel when a swimmer completes the learn to swim pathway, a cancellation request is required via visiting the dedicated online cancellation platform.
- Direct Debit Instructions must not be cancelled during periods when there are no Swimming Lessons i.e. scheduled Christmas Break (payments are for 50 weeks spread over 12 equal direct debit payments). Cancellation requests must be processed via the dedicated cancellation platform by visiting Here you will be able to complete the cancellation request by submitting the required details.
- Monthly rates are calculated by multiplying the price per lesson by 50 as appropriate and then dividing that by 12 months, excluding Stage 8 Competitive Swimming where a discount rate is applied to the lesson price.
- An Initial Payment must be made either in person at the Leisure Centre, over the telephone or online at the time of application for Swimming Lessons membership.
- For applications before the 16th of the month, the Initial Payment will be a Pro Rata Payment only which will cover the period from the start of the lessons until the end of that month.
- For applications after the 16th of the month, the Initial Payment will be a Pro Rata Payment plus the monthly membership rate.
- Primary Members who wish to have LeedsCard Extra discount applied to the Swimming Lessons must have a valid LeedsCard Extra membership or LeedsCard 60 Extra membership. Proof of entitlement is required.
- Only parents or legal guardians with a LeedsCard Extra will be eligible for the LeedsCard Extra discount for Swimming Lessons
- Leeds City Council will consider suspending a Swimming Lesson membership should the child be unable to attend due to a prolonged period of ill health. The request for suspension must be validated by written confirmation from the child's doctor and sent to the appropriate Leisure Centre Manager. Whilst the membership is frozen the swimmer will be removed from the lesson, once the swimmer is ready to restart swimming lessons you must contact reception who will advise you of current availability.
- Suspension of memberships because of holidays will not be considered.
- Should a swimming lesson be cancelled an alternative lesson may be offered, if this is not possible a credit will be issued to a future direct debit payment.
- Swimming Lessons fees may be increased at the discretion of Leeds City Council. Not less than 10 working days written notice of any increase will be sent to the member.
- Leeds City Council will endeavour to give prior notice of any alteration to or cancellation of activities or centre programmes but reserve the right to do so without prior notice. Leeds City Council cannot be held responsible for any services or equipment not being available, for whatever reason.
- Except in the case of death or personal injury arising as a result of negligence, lack of due diligence, breach of duty, or any other circumstance where liability cannot be excluded by law, members participation, or that of the parent or legal guardian of the child, or those in whose care the child has been placed at the swimming sessions is done so entirely at the member’s, parent’s or legal guardian’s and the child’s risk.
- Should the child or the parent or legal guardian or member taking the child into the water have, or develop, any known or suspected medical condition, please consult your doctor before swimming. Never bring a child swimming if they have any illness such as an ear infection, diarrhoea, vomiting, chicken pox, impetigo, conjunctivitis, or a bad cold. Please wait until a doctor has given the all- clear before returning to classes.
- Please ensure that any sickness/diarrhoea symptoms have completely cleared for at least 48 hours before a swimming lesson; or 14 days if a gastrointestinal bug has been diagnosed by a medical professional.
- Appropriate attire for the activity should be worn within the facilities.
- The swimming lesson membership includes 50 weeks of swimming lessons and access to public, family and lane swimming.
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to assign an alternative swimming instructor should the planned instructor not be available.
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to review and/or alter these Terms and Conditions at any time. Notices will be displayed in the Leeds City Council Active Leeds facilities and, where an email address has been provided the reviewed and/or altered Terms and Conditions will be served on members by email, otherwise they will be served on the member by 2nd Class post.
- These Terms and Conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of England and Wales.
- No failure by Leeds City Council to enforce any provision in these Terms and Conditions shall constitute a waiver of the right to subsequently enforce that provision or any other provision of these Terms and Conditions. Such failure shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach and shall not constitute a continuing waiver.
- A person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions shall not have any rights under or in connection with them.
- Written notices that are required to be given under these Terms and Conditions by Leeds City Council will be sent by email to the member where an email address has been provided upon sign up (or such other email address which the member has notified to Leeds City Council during the course of the contract). All notices sent by email will be deemed to have been received by the member 24 hours after sending providing no non-delivery notice is received by the Council. Where an email address is not provided or a notification an email has not been delivered is received, 2nd Class Post will be used to the address stated within the Active Leeds application (or such other address which the member has notified to Leeds City Council during the course of the contract). All notices sent by 2nd Class Post will be deemed to have been received by the Member three days after posting. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that Leeds City Council is informed of any change of email address or postal address. All other notices required to be given by Leeds City Council will be placed in a prominent position within the Leeds City Council Active Leeds facilities.
- Leeds City Council respects the rights of their customers and staff and will not tolerate violent, abusive or intimidating behaviour within their leisure centres or over the phone. Persons exhibiting unacceptable behaviour will be asked to leave the premises and may be prosecuted. CCTV cameras are in operation at leisure centres. Nor will Leeds City Council tolerate any abuse by telephone or in writing to any of their staff.
- Leeds City Council accept no responsibility for loss or damage to a member’s personal effects, or personal injury to the member whilst on Leeds City Council property, except in so far as such loss, damage or injury is, by law, incapable of exclusion.
- Leeds City Council reserve the right to refuse admission to products and services provided.
- An Active Leeds Membership sold online has a 14 day Cooling Off Period in which the member can cancel their membership in accordance with the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. The 14 day Cooling Off Period commences from the date of the purchase online of a new membership and from the date of commencement of renewal for a renewed membership. To cancel a membership purchased online within the 14-day cooling off period you must email the Customer Services team on to confirm you wish to cancel. Any usage during this period will be calculated at the standard rate for that activity and charged back to the member unless a Direct Debit payment has been processed whereby the calculated usage will be deducted from any refund owed.
- All our Direct Debit memberships are covered under the banks Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme.
Gymnastic Lessons Terms & Conditions
- Gymnastics Lessons 45min /50 min/ 60min / 2-hour classes will run 39 weeks of the year / term time only, exact dates will be included in the confirmation of booking email and reminders shared on social media.
- Lessons do not occur on Bank Holidays, those who are due to attend a lesson on a Bank Holiday will be credited on the next available collection.
- Should a Direct Debit be returned unpaid then all associated memberships will be suspended until the arrears are paid in full. Any future requests for memberships or access to the facility will not be permitted until the arrears are cleared. If arrears are not paid off within 10 days, then the member will be removed from lessons.
- All Direct Debit memberships require 30 days’ notice to cancel from the next Direct Debit collection date.
- Direct Debit Instructions must not be cancelled during periods when there are no Gymnastics lessons i.e. scheduled Christmas Break (payments are for 39 weeks spread over 11 equal direct debit payments as there will be no collection in August)
- Cancellation requests must be processed via the dedicated cancellation platform by visiting for Gymnastics Lessons will be by monthly direct debit, a month in advance, which will be drawn on the first day of each calendar month (or the next working day should the 1st fall on a weekend or public holiday). It is the responsibility of the Primary Member to ensure that funds are available for the bank transactions to take place on the due date.
- Unpaid Direct Debits will be subject to a late payment fee of£5.00.
- Monthly rates for 45min /50 min / 60min / 2-hour classes are calculated by multiplying the price per lesson by 38 and then dividing that by 11 months. No payment will be taken in August.
- Monthly rates for 4-hour classes are calculated by multiplying the price per lesson by 42 and then dividing that by 12 months.
- An Initial Payment must be made at the Leisure Centre or online at the time of application for Gymnastics Lessons membership.
- For applications before the 16th of the month, the Initial Payment will be a Pro Rata Payment only which will cover the period from the start of the lessons until the end of that month.
- For applications after the 16th of the month, the Initial Payment will be a Pro Rata Payment plus the monthly membership rate.
- Primary Members who wish to have LeedsCard Extra discount applied to the Gymnastics Lessons must have a valid LeedsCard Extra membership or LeedsCard 60 Extra membership. Proof of entitlement is required.
- Only parents or legal guardians with a LeedsCard extra will be eligible for the LeedsCard Extra discount for Gymnastics Lessons for their own child/ children.
- Leeds City Council will consider suspending a Gymnastics Lessons membership should the child be unable to attend due to a prolonged period of ill health. The request for suspension must be validated by written confirmation from the child's doctor and sent to the appropriate Leisure Centre Manager. Whilst the membership is frozen the gymnast will be removed from the lesson, once the gymnast is ready to restart gymnastics lessons you must contact reception who will advise you of current availability.
- Suspension of memberships because of holidays will not be considered.
- Should a gymnastics lesson be cancelled an alternative lesson may be offered, if this is not possible a credit will be issued to a future direct debit payment.
- Gymnastics Lessons fees may be increased at the discretion of Leeds City Council. Not less than 10 working days written notice of any increase will be sent to the member.
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to assign an alternative gymnastics instructor should the planned instructor not be available. Appropriate attire for the activity should be worn within the facilities.
- Leeds City Council will endeavour to give prior notice of any alteration to or cancellation of activities or centre programmes but reserve the right to do so without prior notice. Leeds City Council cannot be held responsible for any services or equipment not being available, for whatever reason.
- Except in the case of death or personal injury arising as a result of negligence, lack of due diligence, breach of duty, or any other circumstance where liability cannot be excluded by law, members participation, or that of the parent or legal guardian of the child, or those in whose care the child has been placed at the swimming sessions is done so entirely at the member’s, parent’s or legal guardian’s and the child’s risk.
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to review and/or alter these Terms and Conditions at any time. Notices will be displayed in the Leeds City Council Active Leeds facilities and, where an email address has been provided the reviewed and/or altered Terms and Conditions will be served on members by email, otherwise they will be served on the member by 2nd Class post.
- These Terms and Conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the law of England and Wales.
- No failure by Leeds City Council to enforce any provision in these Terms and Conditions shall constitute a waiver of the right to subsequently enforce that provision or any other provision of these Terms and Conditions. Such failure shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach and shall not constitute a continuing waiver.
- A person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions shall not have any rights under or in connection with them.
- Written notices that are required to be given under these Terms and Conditions by Leeds City Council will be sent by email to the member where an email address has been provided upon sign up (or such other email address which the member has notified to Leeds City Council during the course of the contract). All notices sent by email will be deemed to have been received by the member 24 hours after sending providing no non-delivery notice is received by the Council. Where an email address is not provided, or the sending by email fails, 2nd Class Post will be used to the address stated on the Active Leeds Application Form (or such other address which the member has notified to Leeds City Council during the course of the contract). All notices sent by 2nd Class Post will be deemed to have been received by the Member three days after posting. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that Leeds City Council is informed of any change of email address or postal address. All other notices required to be given by Leeds City Council will be placed in a prominent position within the Leeds City Council Active Leeds facilities.
- Leeds City Council respects the rights of their customers and staff and will not tolerate violent, abusive or intimidating behaviour within their leisure centres or over the phone. Persons exhibiting unacceptable behaviour will be asked to leave the premises and may be prosecuted. CCTV cameras are in operation at leisure centres. Nor will Leeds City Council tolerate any abuse by telephone or in writing to any of their staff.
- Leeds City Council accept no responsibility for loss or damage to a member’s personal effects, or personal injury to the member whilst on Leeds City Council property, except in so far as such loss, damage or injury is, by law, incapable of exclusion.
- Leeds City Council reserve the right to refuse admission to products and services provided.
- An Active Leeds Membership sold online has a 14 day Cooling Off Period in which the member can cancel their membership in accordance with the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013. The 14 day Cooling Off Period commences from the date of the purchase online of a new membership and from the date of commencement of renewal for a renewed membership. To cancel a membership purchased online within the 14-day cooling off period you must email the Customer Services team on to confirm you wish to cancel. Any usage during this period will be calculated at the standard rate for that activity and charged back to the member unless a Direct Debit payment has been processed whereby the calculated usage will be deducted from any refund owed.
- All our Direct Debit memberships are covered under the banks Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme.
Tennis Lessons Terms & Conditions
- Tennis Lessons will be over 42 weeks per year and excludes weeks that have Bank Holidays in them. Exact dates will be included in the confirmation of booking email and reminders shared where required.
- Payment for Tennis Lessons will be by monthly direct debit, a month in advance, which will be drawn on the first day of each calendar month (or the next working day should the 1st fall on a weekend or public holiday). It is the responsibility of the Primary Member to ensure that funds are available for the bank transactions to take place on the due date.
- Monthly rates are calculated by multiplying the price per lesson by 42 as appropriate and then dividing that by 12 months.
- An Initial Payment must be made at the Leisure Centre at the time of application for Tennis Lessons membership.
- For applications before the 16th of the month, the Initial Payment will be a Pro Rata Payment only which will cover the period from the start of the lessons until the end of that month.
- For applications after the 16th of the month, the Initial Payment will be a Pro Rata Payment plus the monthly membership rate.
- Primary Members who wish to have LeedsCard Extra discount applied to the Tennis lessons must have a valid LeedsCard Extra membership. Proof of entitlement is required.
- All Direct Debit memberships require 30 days’ notice to cancel from the next Direct Debit collection date.
- Direct Debit Instructions must not be cancelled during periods when there are no Tennis Lessons
- Cancellation requests must be processed via the dedicated cancellation platform by visiting
- Unpaid Direct Debits will be subject to a late payment fee of £5.00.
- Should a Direct Debit be returned unpaid then all associated memberships will be suspended until the arrears are paid in full. Any future requests for memberships or access to the facility will not be permitted until the arrears are cleared.
- Arrears must be paid within 10 days otherwise the member place will be removed from lessons.
- Leeds City Council will consider suspending a Tennis lessons membership should the child be unable to attend due to a prolonged period of ill health. The request for suspension must be validated by written confirmation from the child's doctor and sent to the appropriate Leisure Centre Manager. At the end of the suspension period, the membership will automatically become live and monthly direct debit payments resumed.
- Suspension of memberships because of children's holidays will not be considered.
- Should a Tennis Lesson be cancelled; CSC will be informed, and the Primary Member's next available Direct Debit payment will be adjusted accordingly.
- CSC must be informed of any change to bank account or personal details.
- Tennis Lessons fees may be increased at the discretion of Leeds City Council. Not less than 10 working days written notice of any increase will be sent to the member.
- Appropriate attire for the activity should be worn within the facilities.
- Leeds City Council will endeavour to give prior notice of any alteration to or cancellation of activities or centre programmes but reserve the right to do so without prior notice. Leeds City Council cannot be held responsible for any services or equipment not being available, for whatever reason.
- Members participate in any exercise at their own risk.
- Leeds City Council accept no responsibility for loss or damage to a member’s personal effects, or personal injury to the member whilst on Leeds City Council property, except in so far as such loss, damage or injury is, by law, incapable of exclusion.
- Leeds City Council respect the rights of their customers and staff and will not tolerate violent, abusive or intimidating behaviour within their leisure centres. Persons exhibiting unacceptable behaviour will be asked to leave the premises and may be prosecuted. CCTV cameras are in operation at leisure centres. Nor will Leeds City Council tolerate any abuse by telephone or in writing to any of their staff.
- All our Direct Debit memberships are covered under the banks Direct Debit Guarantee Scheme.
Booking Terms and Conditions
- The term 'card' refers to a Leeds Card, Leeds Card Extra, Leeds Card 60, Active Leeds Card, or Leeds Active Card Adult/Junior.
- The term 'membership' refers to one of the types of memberships offered by Leeds City Council, including, but not limited to, Leeds Card (and all its variants) and Active Leeds Health & Fitness.
- The term 'member(s)' refers to someone who has a current membership or has signed up to an online booking account.
- To book and pay online, you must register to use the service. Anyone signing up without a membership becomes a casual member that can pay as you go. Memberships and cards cannot be used on behalf of any other person and are non-transferable.
- Each membership entitles the member to different privileges and will determine what price you are charged. Certain classes and activities may not be available to book, depending on which membership/account type you have.
- All bookings, including online and those made at the leisure centre either in person or by telephone, must be paid for at the time of booking.
- Members can book 9 days in advance from the day you are booking on. Casual members are able to book 7 days in advance from the day you are booking on.
- Members are only permitted to book one activity per timeslot for any given day and for any leisure centre (e.g. if you book a badminton court for Monday at 10:00am you cannot also book a squash court or fitness class for 10:00am on the same day). This is to prevent activities being booked on behalf of any other person.
- Leeds City Council operates a no refund policy on all bookings where a payment has been made. However, customers can transfer a booking to another date and time at the same site by contacting the site where the original booking was made. Members can transfer their booking up to 9 days in advance of the original booking date and casual members are able to transfer their booking up to 7 days in advance of the original booking date. All booking transfers are subject to availability. Transfers cannot be conducted online.
- Members who have a pre-paid membership, either by Direct Debit or Annual payment, who do not attend an activity they have booked and have not cancelled up to 1 hour prior to the start of the booking, will be automatically charged a non-attendance / noncancellation fee of £6.00 for adults and £3.50 for juniors. You will not be able to make further bookings until the outstanding amount has been paid through your online account, at the leisure centre or by contacting the Customer Service Centre. Bookings can be cancelled online, via the app, at the leisure centre you have booked or by contacting the Customer Service Centre.
- Please note: The cancellation rights contained in the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 (amended 2005) do not apply to booking activities.
- Pre-paid members only: When attending a fitness class or swim session which has been booked in advance it is the member's responsibility to ensure they are marked off the relevant session register as having attended, either by checking in on a self-serve kiosk or access lane, where this service is available, or by informing the instructor. When attending squash which has been booked in advance it is the member's responsibility to ensure they are marked as attended by checking in at reception. Failure to check in will result in a non-attendance / non-cancellation fee of the standard session price. You will no longer be able to make further bookings until the outstanding amount has been paid through your online account or at the leisure centre where the activity was booked.
- If a class or activity is cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control, customers will be entitled to transfer their booking to another date and time at the same leisure centre by contacting the centre where the original booking was made or by contacting our Customer Service Centre. Members can transfer their booking up to 9 days in advance of the original booking date and casual members will be able to transfer 7 days in advance of the original booking date. Transfers cannot be conducted online.
- Bookings made by Juniors: When a booking is made online using a casual member account the junior price for the class or activity will be charged. To receive the Junior price, you must provide your correct date of birth when registering for an online account. A Junior who has a DD or annually paid Health & Fitness membership will be charged the price in accordance with their membership benefits. A Junior is defined as anyone under 16 years old.
- All members booking activities and using our facilities are required to bring their membership card or wristband.
- Leeds Card and Leeds Card Extra discounts are only applicable if 50% of players participating in the activity have the appropriate discount card. Each card must be presented at reception upon arrival for your booking.
- Please note all court/activity bookings are for 55 minutes to allow for changeovers i.e. Badminton/Squash etc
- The minimum age for anyone booking and attending an adult class unaccompanied is 14 years old. Some junior and family classes are available. Please contact the leisure centre or check online for details and availability.
- Please enter on time for your class. Entry may not be permitted after the warmup has commenced for safety reasons.
- In the interests of your health and safety, please report any injuries or medical conditions to the instructor before the class has started. You may not be allowed to participate for certain medical conditions.
- Every attempt is made to adhere to the published programme; however, facilities, classes, courses, and instructors are subject to change. We endeavour to provide appropriate notice of any changes.
- Fitness class programmes are continually reviewed. Leeds City Council operates a traffic light system to inform customers of classes that are at risk of been cancelled or changed. This information is available at all our Leisure Centres.
- Active Leeds Health & Fitness membership terms and conditions also apply.
- Leeds City Council may from time to time send you information and offers about events and services that relate to your membership.
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to refuse entry to its premises.
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to make changes to the terms and conditions at any time without prior warning. It is the customer's responsibility to read the terms and conditions on each occasion they use the online bookings service.
- If you require further clarification on the terms and conditions or would like further information on how to book and pay online, please contact us at: Active Leeds Customer Services Leeds City Council John Charles Centre for Sport Leeds LS11 5DJ Tel: 0113 3760398 Email:
Children’s Party Terms and Conditions
These Terms & Conditions constitute the agreement between you (the “hirer(s)” or “you”) and Leeds City Council (“Leeds City Council” or us”) for services provided by Active Leeds, the service within the Leeds City Council that is responsible for providing the goods and/or services in this agreement. These Terms & Conditions together with the Party Booking Application Form, set out the entire agreement and understanding between the parties and supersede all previous agreements between the parties..
By placing a booking with us, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms & Conditions
- The hirer(s) will pass on any relevant information in this agreement to all guests i.e. swimming requirements.
- The hirer(s) will provide the most up to date information on the Party Booking Application Form and should anything change update the centre as soon as possible.
- Payment for the party is due at the time of booking.
- There is no reduction in price should your party be less than the maximum numbers.
- Not all-party options are available at every centre
- Full payment is required at the time of booking. Adults are not included in the minimum/maximum numbers where there is a supervision requirement (centre dependent will be confirmed at the time of booking). If adults wish to join in the activity, then they will be included in the minimum/maximum numbers. Please note sites may have variances on the maximum number permitted, check this at the time of booking.
- The party package cost includes: 45-minute specific party from the party options available at your chosen centre, dedicated party host, invites, party bags (please refer to clause 7 below), optional basically decorated room with tables and chairs for food & music at the end of the activity session. The room will be available at least 10 minutes before the end of the activity to allow for set up. Parties are required to supply their own food and drink excluding Armley and Holt Park where food and drink must be purchased through the centre, prices/options available at the time of booking.
- All contents of party bags are CE approved, age specific and do not contain any of the 14 allergen foods for declaration. Party bags will be given to the party hirer. It is the party hirer's responsibility to ensure that party bags are only given to children under the supervision of an adult, and it is the hirer's responsibility to ensure they are aware if any of their party guests have any allergens and that they are authorised by the parents of the children to hand these out.
- All party durations are 45 minutes and will consist of warm up activities, safety talk, games/activities for main party activity, and cool down. Short breaks throughout for children to have a drink (own water bottles to be brought).
- A responsible adult must remain with the party at all times. They should hold emergency contacts for all attendees in the event of an accident/emergency.
- Any damage to the premises, furniture or equipment must be reported immediately to the centre. The cost of making good the damage will be charged to the hirer(s).
- The hirer(s) will use the premises only for the purpose specified in the Party Booking Application Form.
- The capture of any images/filming within your party area is permitted. The prospective photographer should obtain permission from all members of the party before taking photos and is responsible for the photos taken. Photography is forbidden in the following areas: changing facilities and toilets. Please aim to capture only those in your party group.
- Attendees must wear appropriate clothing; for a dryside party shorts, shirt, trainers/suitable footwear (if fancy dress themed then ensure all items are suitable for the activity). For pool parties, females bikini/swimming costume and males swimming trunks/shorts. Additional clothing may be worn for swimming, but only for religious (i.e. Burkini etc.), medical reasons or to cover large tattoos (i.e. T Shirt).
- Attendees must wear appropriate swim nappy/pant should they be required
- It is the responsibility of the hirer(s) to ensure all attendees can participate in wet side parties in accordance with the following:
Pool Explorer Only
a) Children under 8 years old must be accompanied by an adult (over 16 years old) in the water.
b) Maximum of two under 8’s per adult.
c) A responsible adult must ensure that the child follows all the instructions given by the instructor and adheres to the pool rules.
d) Please note some centres may have different maximum numbers to the ones stated above, these will be confirmed at the time of booking.
Pool Inflatable Only
a) Please note at Pudsey Leisure Centre, the minimum age to access the inflatable is 8 years.
b) Over 8’s must be able to swim a distance of 25m competently.
c) Children under 8 years old must be accompanied by an adult (a competent swimmer and over 16 years old) in the water.
d) Maximum of two under 8’s per adult.
e) Any child unable to swim a distance of 25m competently should be accompanied in the water by an adult who is a competent swimmer on a 1 to 1 ratio.
f) A responsible adult must ensure that the child follows all the instructions given by the lifeguard and adheres to the pool rules.
g) Pudsey Leisure Centre and Rothwell Leisure Centre - no adults allowed on the inflatable.
- The Active Leeds party host is not responsible for supervision of the children when using the free room following the main activity. They will show you to the room and ensure you have everything required and will drop in intermittently throughout the 45/60 minutes hire, centre dependant, subject to availability.
- Leeds City Council accepts no responsibility for any personal belongings or equipment left unattended on the premises.
- The hirer(s) must not transfer the booking to any other person.
- The hirer(s) will strictly observe all statutory provisions, regulations, byelaws or similar matters in respect of safety and convenience of those using the premises.
- Should the party booking need to be cancelled by the hirer(s) no refund will be given, however an alternative date maybe offered.
- Should the centre need to cancel the party booking, initially an alternative date will be offered. Should there be a significant reason as to why the party cannot be rearranged then Leeds City Council will refund the hiring fee, however no further compensation shall be payable.
- Leeds City Council may cancel the party booking if Leeds City Council requires use of the premises. Leeds City Council will refund the hiring fee if this happens, however no further compensation shall be payable
- Leeds City Council may revise the costs for the parties at any time without notifying the hirer(s).
- Leeds City Council shall not be liable if the premises are not available due to failure of the structure or equipment on the premises or to industrial disputes or any matter not under its control.
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to cancel this agreement at any time if the hirer(s) breaches any of the Terms & Conditions of this agreement, and Leeds City Council will not be liable to refund the hiring fee and may in addition exercise any other legal remedy which may be available.
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to review and/or alter these Terms & Conditions at any time. Notices will be displayed in the Active Leeds facilities and, where an email address has been provided the reviewed and/or altered Terms & Conditions will be sent to the hirer(s) by email, otherwise they will be sent to the hirer(s) by 2nd Class post.
- These Terms & Conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims), shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales.
- The information you provide on the Party Booking Application Form will only be used in order to administer your booking and to provide you with service information relevant to your booking. Your details will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and, excepting if required by law, will not be shared with any third parties apart from Leeds City Council’s partner organisation, Gladstone who are contracted to provide administrative support to us. For further information about how Leeds City Council uses your personal data, including your rights and contact details for our Data Protection Officer, visit
- Leeds City Council reserves the right to refuse entry to the centre.
- No failure by Leeds City Council to enforce any provision in these Terms & Conditions shall constitute a waiver of the right to subsequently enforce that provision or any other provision of these Terms & Conditions. Such failure shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any preceding or subsequent breach and shall not constitute a continuing waiver.
- A person who is not a party to this agreement shall not have any rights under or in connection with them.
- Written notices that are required to be given under these Terms & Conditions by the Leeds City Council will be sent by email to the hirer(s) where an email address has been provided on the Party Booking Application Form (or such other email address which the hirer(s) has notified to Leeds City Council). All notices sent by email will be deemed to have been received by the hirer(s) 24 hours after sending providing no non-delivery notice is received by Leeds City Council. Where an email address is not provided, or the sending by email fails, 2nd Class Post will be used to the address stated on the Party Booking Application Form (or such other address which the hirer(s) has notified to Leeds City Council). All notices sent by 2nd Class Post will be deemed to have been received by the hirer(s) three days after posting. It is the responsibility of the hirer(s) to ensure that Leeds City Council is informed of any change of email address or postal address. All other notices required to be given by Leeds City Council will be placed in a prominent position within the Active Leeds facilities.