Swimming Lessons 9 - 14 years

These lessons are suitable for children aged 9-14 years. We understand that there are lots of older children/young adults who haven't learnt to swim and still want to. Lessons create a friendly learning environment for children of a similar age and ability level. Swimmers work towards the Swim England distance badges.

9-14yrs Beginners:

For older beginners (roughly 9-14 years) who cannot swim two recognisable strokes (10M each). Swimmers will work towards Swim England Stage 1 and 2 outcomes. 

9-14yrs Improvers:

Assessment required. 

For older children who can move independently through the water. Swimmers will work towards Swim England Stage 3 and 4 outcomes. 

Progress from here will be in to Stage 5 or Adult Lessons (age dependant).