Armley Leisure Centre

Class Timetables

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Armley Fitness Timetable (PDF, 91KB)

Swim Timetables

Remember you no longer have to book in advance for your swim session. You can just turn up for your desired session, but we would advise to arrive 15 minutes before your session as they will be filled on a first come first served basis.

Armley Swim Timetable - Term Time (PDF, 160KB)


For session descriptions click here


  • 25m pool and learner pool
  • 100 station gym
  • Hydrotherapy pool
  • 4 court and 2 court sports halls
  • Cafe/bar
  • Studio
  • Baby change facilities
  • Dryside Male and Female changing rooms and Wetside villiage style changing (Both including changing cubicles)
  • WiFi (free)
  • EV Car Charging

Opening Hours


Mon - Fri 07:15 - 21:30*
Sat (unmanned 14.00-15.30) 08:15 - 16:00*
Sun (unmanned 14.00-19.00) 08:30 - 19:00


*Low Sensory Time Fri 19.30-21.00 & Sat 14.00-15.30

Junior Gym Hours*

Mon - Fri 15:00 - 17:30
Sat - Sun 11:00 - 14:00


* Juniors need to be accompanied by a responsible participating adult (18yrs+) outside the junior gym times. Ratio for u16 junior to adult is 2:1 (private education groups have a specific risk assessment which alter the ratios). School holiday: centre specific sessions will be put on and advertised in advance, check our Facebook page. 


Mon - Fri 07:15 - 22:30
Sat 08:00 - 18:30
Sun 08:00 - 20:30


  • Induction loop
  • Level entrance
  • Automatic doors
  • Lift access to upper floor
  • Accessible Changing Facilities (Both Dryside and Wetside)
  • Changing places standard changing facilities for aquatics, dry sports and Gym, all with H frame hoist – tracking
  • Main 25 metre pool with pool hoist access and graded steps
  • Teaching / small pool 10 x 10 step access and pool hoist
  • Hydrotherapy pool 10 x 8 step access and H frame hoist – tracking
  • Pool hoist
  • Large fully accessible Gym (equipment includes hand cycles and dual assisted pulley machine) plus many other IFI accredited machines.

Local Transport

Visit is external) for information on getting to and from Armley Leisure Centre by public transport.


Click here to view our current pricing list.

Children's Parties

For information on all our parties please go to the parties page.

Lost Property

If you believe you may have left or lost something within our Leisure Centre please contact a member of the Customer Service Centre team on 0113 3760398. 

Please note the opening hours of the Customer Service Centre are Monday to Friday 08.00-18.30, Saturday and Sunday 08.00-16.00.